Actors in a North Danube Greek tragedy
Why tragedy ? Because at the beginning people care about others and after years they really don't care or there is no more surviving people to care about the past. I noticed that every family has a person who knows the oral history of the family. When this person disappears, the whole oral history disappears. Young people generally don't care about these elders who tell old stories only good to got asleep. Why Greek ? Because in the past Braila, port on Danube, had a big Greek community. This was a result of being a free port. There were Greeks, Armenians and Jewish merchants there, but Greeks were the sailors. Braila was a Turkish RAYA until 1829, see here: RAYA - link ! After the treaty of Adrianopolis the navigation on Danube became free and the Turkish trading monopoly was abolished. As consequence, Braila port became a cosmopolitan city. I think this port has fallen after 1877 when Romania got Dobrudja and king Charles I asked Anghel Saligny tobuild the port ...